Making the “Nomad Journey” Fire Cube

Making the “Nomad Journey” Fire Cube

Posted on Jun 19, 2017 in Kazakhstan, My Blog | One Comment

Throwing out ideas is like scattering seeds … if they land on fertile ground they sprout. With nurture, light and love, they grow. Fact. I do it quite a lot…being a farmer and an artist, it’s part of my job description. In the art world people constitute fertile ground….I travel a lot and meet a […]

On the way to Astana, Kazakhstan…

On the way to Astana, Kazakhstan…

Posted on Jun 16, 2017 in Kazakhstan, My Blog | One Comment

Europe gets bigger and bigger the further east you fly. Landmarks get harder to pinpoint and the forest to field ratio seems one minute to favor forest, then not, as huge tracts of fertile fields unfold for miles and miles. So far so flat.. Perhaps understandable how Napoleon and Hitler were lured East with false […]